Saturday, July 10, 2010

I know I pushed you away, but I don't regret it, because by losing you, I found me.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Welcome to Fallen-Angel-x

This is just a blog I have decided to start, writing about anything and everything just to fill in all my spare time. Firstly, I think its always a good start to introduce myself. My name is Lauren and I am 19years
old from Victoria, Australia. I have lived here my entire life and I love it except one day I plan to travel the world. I am currently looking for work as my Tafe course doing multime
dia just ended, since the course, I have decided that doing multimedia is not my thing, I have a much greater interest in fashion, movies, music or books, so I am looking for a job in that area.

The main areas I am planning on writing about is fashion, movies, music, books and nail polish and anything else that may crop up along the way. As my first edition I decided I am going to tell you about my most recent purchase.

A knee high pair of black suede flat boots, I fell in love with them at first glance but once I looked at the price, AUD$12.00 I was sold. They are comfy and easy to wear, they don't have a zip down one side but are easy to get on and off anyway. In the photos I am wearing them with tights but I can fit skinny jeans underneath them with ease as well. I love my new purchase. I'm so very excited about being able to wear them out when I see my friends tomorrow to watch a few of them play soccer.

Thank you so much for reading my blog and my first post.
Have an amazing day/night and I'll be checking in again soon.